
Oakfield Preparatory School


Our pupils enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum beyond the essential life skills of literacy and numeracy: to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, to promote the enjoyment of learning and to foster understanding of another language.

We want our pupils to enter the constantly developing world as natural enthusiasts and active, confident participants who will be an example to others.

Visiting experts, speakers and Heads from Senior Schools enhance the learning, whilst outings and trips enrich the classroom experiences. Outdoor Education, theme days, drama, public speaking, competitions, sport, music, and the host of extra-curricular opportunities provide incredible personal development and journeys of discovery.

Years Nursery, Foundation, Reception:

Children in the EYFS setting receive an outstanding start to their school careers. Progress is tracked through each stage of the early learning goals and social & emotional developmental steps.

ISI Inspection Report 2014

Activities are planned carefully to ensure that all children make progress and develop enthusiasm, a sense of enquiry and a lifelong love of learning. Each child is made to feel confident, secure and happy at school. They arrive every day wanting to learn, take risks to extend their understanding and skills, have lots of fun with their friends and teachers and enjoy all the academic and social opportunities provided. Focusing on their unique learning behaviours we enable the children to think for themselves, become independent and grow in self-awareness, emotional intelligence and concern for others.

Years 1-2:

Pupils achieve well above the average for maintained primary schools in national tests at the age of 7 and above the national average at age 11.

ISI Inspection Report 2014

A broad and innovative curriculum encourages active learning. In Key Stage 1, the curriculum becomes more structured and learning more formalised. Our teaching approach aims to inspire and enthuse: boosting skills, building confidence and raising self-esteem - enabling children to grow in independence and to develop in knowledge and understanding. Thus, a strong balance is maintained in enhancing their academic, emotional and social intelligence.

Years 3-6:

Many of our pupils gain Scholarships to selective senior schools: they are supported by strong curricular provision and specialist teaching. We promote high levels of achievement and effort, as the children acquire the academic skills they need. We push the boundaries beyond a mere acquisition of knowledge: we want children to develop the qualities to investigate and enquire, to solve problems and to take responsibility for their own learning.

Strong pastoral foundations are the bedrock of learning and are at the heart of Oakfield’s curriculum. Thus, all children have a Form Tutor who works to nurture a child’s identity and security as soon as they begin their learning journey at Oakfield.

As the child progresses through the school, the number of specialist teachers increase, and so by the time they reach Year 6, almost all subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, MFL, Music, Drama, Art and PE are taught by specialist teachers. Furthermore, we offer specialist rooms and equipment in Science, ICT, Music and Art with a host of curricular resources for all subjects.